Most enemies have exploitable, elemental weaknesses. One character even makes use of firearms. The combat tools include swords, knives, folding fans, and even a school desk. Each party member uses a weapon that was either found in dungeons or purchased from the town’s weapon and armor shop. You battle monsters using basic attacks and personas. Persona 4 Golden is as fresh now as it was in 2008. The score-one that borrows heavily from pop, jazz, rock, and electronica-sets Persona 4 Golden apart from the average, classically scored JRPG.

Naturally, a modern-day JRPG has a modern-day soundtrack. (Opens in a new window) Read Our The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition (for PC) Review Though the game features teenagers entering the world of the unconscious to battle monsters, Persona 4 Golden's tale lacks earth-shattering threats like those in the Final Fantasy or Ys series. Persona 4 Golden also distinguishes itself from other JRPGs by featuring a contemporary setting and an intimate, character-driven story. Jungian concepts aren’t mainstream ideas, so having them serve as Persona 4 Golden's backbone is a nice touch. Personas are entities you and your party members summon in combat to unleash magical attacks, cast buffs, and hit enemies with status ailments, while the Midnight Channel's dungeons represent the victims' subconscious. Persona 4 Golden uses these concepts to inform its gameplay. The theory also involves a collective unconscious that links all human minds. The plot borrows heavily from Jungian theory, which states that people have "personas" they present to others and "shadow selves" they hide from the world. Since 1982, PCMag has tested and rated thousands of products to help you make better buying decisions.

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